Experience wintry conditions and bracing temperatures along both groomed cross-country skitrails and natural snowshoe trails in the folded hilly landscape of the park. Reflect on the story of stewardship, of people taking care of places – sharing an enduring connection to the land - as you observe the tall trees, wildlife and experience the peacefulness of the woods.
For more information about visiting the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historic park, follow this link-
Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park is a United States National Historical Park in Woodstock Vermont. Named after its previous owners, George Perkins Marsh, Mary Montagu Billings French, and Laurance Rockefeller. The park preserves a once established and managed forest and dairy farm, owned by Frederick Billings. The Rockefellers transferred the property over to the federal government in 1992. It is now the only unit of the United States National Park System in Vermont.