Day One

Hi! So we just had our first day of Dance Across the USA and we are beyond excited about how well it went!  We sailed out of Miami, we got into the water, we avoided lots of sea urchins and other things and wanted to eat us, but got some amazing amazing images along the way. I'm so excited to be able to have this journey actually be underway and I cannot wait to be able to share all of the wonderful images with all of you! Keep an eye out for the book as it will hopefully be released by the beginning of December. The images from yesterdays shoot, and the adventures we had, were all uploaded to the Florida Ocean gallery, found under the Locations tab. (Click on this link HERE to go directly to the page). Along with videos from our journey beginning to end. It was a remarkable sunset, and a wonderful start to our project.

We are even more excited to further our journey to The Dry Tortugas!! We will be in the middle of ocean, on an island, in a fort, and many other things ready to eat us! Ahh! Only two more days until then, and we are still getting ready. We are working on getting the Mighty Buford packed and ready to go! He was rewired, with a Refrigerator, and all sorts of cool things now! He is currently getting a makeover in the shop, and we will be picking him up tomorrow morning. We will post his new look, so you know exactly what to search for when we drive in! In two days, Buford will be in Key West, Mile marker One. About a month later, we will be at the farthest point possible to go, the Trailhead to Shi Shi beach in Washington. 

22,000 Miles, 90 Days! Any normal human being would not do this.. Jonathan is out of his mind! As we pack things up, we are filled with joy. Day One was a complete success, and we are ready for the next 89 Days to be just as great! :-)

So keep a look out for our nonstop adventures, in the newly remodeled Mighty Buford in all of his glory! As he comes to each state, we are ready to conquer all of the untold beauty of the National Parks. We are excited for all of our dancers, and the joy it will bring to have this all come together!

So the sun sets on Day One, Our next location is right around the corner -  as we Dance Across the USA!

